🎨DIY✂ Sticker Magnets!

Has this ever happened to you:

You get some stickers you like. You love these stickers. But they’re more than just the kind of stickers you can buy in bulk for $1 at Walmart and might not always be available. These are special stickers.

So, naturally, you can’t decide what to put them on. Anywhere seems like a waste of stickers. The second you peel off the back and find that its too late to go back—and you immediately regret where you’ve put them once you finally place them down. Now you’ve sealed your fate.

Or maybe that’s just me.

I found a somewhat good solution to this problem: turn your favorite stickers into magnets! This way you can take them off one thing and move them around if you so choose! We can’t put them in notebooks, unfortunately, but putting stickers in notebooks is so permanent anyway! It’s perfect for people like me that have office supply commitment issues.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A pair of good scissors

  • Magnet Tape

  • Stickers of your choice, mine are Animal Crossing stickers sent to me by the awesome Alta Eileen!


Roll out the magnet tape and lay your sticker on top of it to gauge how much magnet tape you need to cut off. Don’t pull off the white part of the tape or the back of the sticker just yet. Right now we’re just getting an idea of what we need to do!


Cut off the amount of magnet tape to fit your sticker! It’s okay if some of the sticker hangs over the side a little bit. Mine did. If its way too much I would suggest cutting off a little more to give it more structure. For example: I made one that was a big heart-shape and had to cut off a little more for the bottom half, because it hung off too much. But if its just a little bit like these, its okay.


Peel off the white backing to the magnet tape. Then peel off the back of your sticker and stick the two sticky-sides together. MAKE SURE NOT TO PUT YOUR STICKER ON THE NON-STICKY SIDE. THATS THE MAGNET.

Like I said, its okay if there’s a little overhang. It’s not enough to worry about in this case, but if you feel like you want to add more magnet just cut off a little more of the magnet tape and repeat.


Cut around the image. This part is the hardest because magnet tape isn’t the easiest to cut through, and sometimes the sticker will have a lot of weird edges. Mine certainly did! Don’t feel bad if there are bits that you just can’t get off. All-in-all you won’t be able to notice it unless you really want to.

Repeat these steps for any other stickers you want to make into magnets, and you’re done!

I really had a lot of fun doing this project! It was a simple, easy little thing to do that made me feel so much better about how I use my stickers. Now I have some unique magnets to put on my minifridge in my office that I’m absolutely in love with 💜 Huge thanks again to Alta Eileen for sending me these stickers! I absolutely love them! If you guys try this DIY, tag me on Instagram or on Twitter! I wanna see them!


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