Astarion Plushie // A Review
I think its safe to say after spending an entire weekend marathoning through Baldur’s Gate 3 after starting and restarting my prior playthroughs, I am completely and totally obsessed.
Right now I’m playing through my Dark Urge playthrough with an Astarion Romance (because I too am helpless in the face of a brooding vampire boyfriend who thinks he’s trash while at the same time being absolutely certain he’s a Grade-A Hottie) and in my opinion that’s the optimal way to play. However, we’re not here to listen to me blather on and on and on about my current playthrough and how Baldur’s Gate 3 is literally the only thing on my mind since I had to get back to real life yesterday. Today, we’re here to talk about my Astarion Plushie.
I found him on Amazon, and they had a few variations. I ended up going with Astarion in his camp gear, though I was torn between him and the version of him in his battle gear.
I feel like I made the right choice.
I mean come on, look at that face. He’s so stuuuupid 💜
I didn’t expect him to be as big as he was, to be honest. He’s a pretty decent size, and his hair was softer than expected. I don’t know really what I had in mind when I saw the picture of his hair, maybe nothing at all, but I’m pleasantly surprised to find it made out of some really soft fur-material. I know there’s a name for it and I used to know what it was, but alas, it has escaped me. The details on his face are really well constructed, and so cute I literally want to scream.
And look at his little ears!
Why does he have little beans?! Why?!
I’m not complaining about the beans, mind you, they’re just so cute that it feels almost like an aggressive add on to make me cry into the void about how much I absolutely love my little plush.
Much like below, as dramatically reinacted by this gif of Markiplier.
All-in-all I love my Astarion plush. He’s a great little addition to my quickly multiplying plush collection, and I’m happy to have him parked on my desk patiently waiting for us to go on our next adventure through the vast expanse of Faerûn. I will treasure my sweet little vampire boyfriend forever 💜